
There is an enemy out there. He wants to hurt, hinder and destroy the children of God. And most of us allow him access to our lives without even thinking about it. Thankfully we have a God who wants to lead us into that promise land where we experience victory and protection against Satan and his attacks. And all we need to do is ask God to show us the breaches in our walls and allow him to build them up again. This may entail some lifestyle changes that we may not want to make. But if we allow God to build us strong and remove all breaches we will experience a peace and victory that most people believe only exists in the lives of the saints.

The church today is full of defeated Christians. It is filled with people who have been beaten down by the enemy and are enslaved to sin. And one of the most common and heartbreaking mistakes that these modern Christians make is allowing Satan to attack and abuse their lives and then believe it was God who did this horrific act. Their view of God is grossly distorted. We need to have a right and pure view of God. We need to comprehend that our God is a Father of Lights:

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there no variation or shadow of turning.”

-James 1:17

And as a chosen generation we are of the light and not of the darkness:

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”

-1 Peter 2:9

Also we need to realize and meditate on the fact that God may discipline His children when He so chooses. However He is never abusive, impatient, demanding and he never feigns His love for us. He is the good Shepherd. Ever watchful and concerned with their wellbeing, always ready to fight and protect them. He sent Christ to this world to bring life and life abundantly. Not death. Satan is the direct opposite of all of these. We need to be able to discern what comes from the enemy and what comes from God. We should be well acquainted with our Father’s loving embrace and His gently guiding hands.

“I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by my own.”

-John 10:14

And as the sons of God we are impervious to spiritual confusion and distraction. There is no fear, anxiety or worry. God does not have these things and He does not bring them upon His children. These are contrary to God’s character and He cannot do anything which isn’t in accordance with His nature. He will NEVER violate His nature.

After we realize what is from the enemy and what is from God then we can begin allowing God to fortify our lives. This is something fairly unheard of in the modern church. And it is a hard process. But it is extremely important part of a Christian’s life.

We must allow God to reveal out the areas of our lives that are allowing access to Satan. We must go to our knees and ask for God to show us the breaches in our walls. Once God has exposed these areas then we must take them before God and ask for forgiveness. And ask God to show us some practical ways that we can change our habits and our lives. We must realize that we cannot build up our walls in our own strength. We must rely fully upon God. He is the only one who can do this work.  The only one who can fortify our lives.

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